Sunday, August 25, 2013

This Space for Rent: A Very Rare Opportunity

It occurred to me last week that I am rapidly approaching my 25,000 tweet on Twitter. I have missed most of my Twitter milestones, as I have a tendency to not pay any attention to the numbers until I look up and realize I've just tweeted my 20,001 tweet and totally wasted the milestone tweet. Well, not this time. I have watched with interest as others have auctioned off their milestone tweets for charity, and now I intend to do the same with my 25,000 - but I am going to sweeten the deal a little. You can buy my 25,000 tweet - but as a bonus I am throwing in something I never, ever do. I am going to let you buy one blog post dedicated to a topic of your choice, and published on this blog.

Now, you can write the post yourself as a guest blogger, or you can have me write it for you, to your satisfaction and specification. You (or I) can write about your business, your organization, or your political campaign (hint hint, electoral candidates!). I will publish it and promote it via Twitter - and you will be the very, very rare person who has had direct input in this blog other than me. And the beneficiary of this auction?

I could not decide between two of my favourite local social profit organizations, and so the sale of my 25,000 tweet and this blog post space will benefit both the Fort McMurray SPCA and the Centre of Hope, with all profits being split evenly between the two. Both of these organizations do crucial work in our community, and both are very near and dear to me.

The usual rules of decorum will apply, of course. No profanity, no hate, and lots of opportunity to use this forum in whatever way you want to promote, campaign, or just have a platform to say something you have always wanted to say. This space, and my 25,000 tweet, is now up for sale. The proceeds go to benefit two wonderful organizations and support all the work they do, and I am offering you the very rare chance to use my blog for your voice. If you are interested you can contact me via Twitter:

or email me at

And so you have some sense of the value of this auction I currently have over 2300 followers on Twitter, and this blog has hundreds of views on a daily basis. This is a very, very rare chance as I relinquish space on this blog very carefully, and only for a very good cause - and so today I offer this for sale, and hope I find a buyer who sees the value and the joy in raising money for two local organizations. Now, who will start the bidding?

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