Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Secret Life as a Kikki Planet Guest Blogger

Well, people, it will be an exceptionally short blog post today - because I've already written it, but for another website. You see, a couple of weeks ago I was contacted by the super-hot Edmonton website Kikki Planet and asked if I would appear as a guest blogger.

It was a chance to answer some of the recent negative comments coming out of our neighbour to the south, and it was a chance to talk a bit about what makes Fort McMurray great. It was an opportunity to get some things off my chest, things I typically do in this blog, but for another audience - and so I said yes, of course.

I hope I have represented you well, Fort McMurray. I must admit I was more nervous about this piece than anything I've ever written - because I felt I was representing all of you, and not just me. As I wrote I thought about all the people I've met while writing this blog, and during my decade here. I thought about what they might like me to say, and about how we feel about where we live. I thought about my community, and all of you.

So, Fort Mac, I hope you like it. I hope you think it shows who we really are. I'm a little uncomfortable with being designated as a "woman to watch", because I think it's not me who should be watched - it's our community, because, people, we are just getting started. Just watch us.


  1. We can't thank you enough for your contribution to the site. Our team firmly believes that "great communities" are "great neighbours". Only through dispelling media perpetuated rumours and long held misconceptions can our communities grow and prosper together. Edmontonians often forget that without our neighbours to the north our city would not have experienced the economic boom that shielded many of our residents from the recent disastrous downturn in the economy. To blame "northern workers" for the problems in our own backyard not only shows an ignorance of our northern neighbours but accomplishes little more than bitterness between two communities that are far better off working in tandem to address whatever issues there may be and shine a light on the misleading media reports the general public so voraciously gobbles up. Thank you again, fine lady, for your contribution. We are sure it will change minds and open up dialogue.

  2. Your guest blog was very thorough and straight to the heart of the matter - awesome! I've linked it on my site and my facebook pages. Many people agree with us. I think people with the bad attitudes would be unhappy even with the best of circumstances. As for those not here, and with bad attitudes about here, they are ignorant in the truest sense of the word, and you can't fix ignorance without experience (that's just my opinion, of course). Yay for getting more positive press!!

  3. Wow! That was awesome! I think you really have a good handle on the heart beat of this community. I've only been here a little over two years and I"ve tried a few times to sit down and post about all this community has to offer....only to feel overwhelmed. There really is a lot for the size of this place. You said it perfectly a few posts ago, a line I recall vividly, that people who think there is nothing to do here aren't looking hard enough. And with so much it really isn't very hard.

    If you don't mind, I would like to put a link to this article on my blog. I'd love to see this piece published the news. It would open a lot of eyes and challenge a great deal of myopic thinking.
