Friday, May 6, 2011

Kiss - Sold Out!

This morning I happened to be at MacDonald Island Park shortly after 8 am, and was astonished to see that people had already begun lining up for their Kiss tickets. I had predicted these tickets would sell out quickly but had no idea how quickly.

How quickly? 24 minutes, that's how. That's amazing, and I bet many of those sales are from outside of Fort Mac, too. So, what does this mean? Well, it means we are going to have one hell of a show on July 2nd, and it's going to be crazy busy in the city that weekend. It means this is going to be one tremendous opportunity for our city to shine. It also means that they are going to need help.

Events like this rely to some extent on the goodwill of our citizens, but also on our willingness to volunteer our time. So, even if you didn't get Kiss tickets (like me!) you can still be part of the event. Go to Events Wood Buffalo Volunteers and sign up for a position. To some extent the success or failure of this concert will ride on all of us, Fort McMurray. If you have ever wanted to be part of something special or to have a chance to show visitors to our city that we truly have "big spirit" then this is your chance. Get out there and volunteer for the Canada Rocks Festival - and let's show the Kiss Army (and Canada!) that Fort McMurray rocks!

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