Thursday, May 5, 2011

Get Kiss(ed)!

Alright people, the day is almost here! Kiss plays Fort Mac on July 2, 2011, and tickets to the biggest concert event ever held in this city go on sale tomorrow at noon. You can purchase them through MacDonald Island Park, by calling 780-791-0070, or toll-free at 1-888-281-6477. Tickets for General Admission are $99 and VIP tickets are $250.

I have no doubt tickets are going to go very, very quickly. Not only will local people want to attend this concert I suspect it's going to attract the Kiss Army from far and wide, especially since this is their only Alberta date this tour. Since I blogged about the press conference announcing this concert I have noted intense interest in that blog post, and many of those who read it arrived through web searches. Some of these searches may be local but I also suspect many are coming from other parts of Western Canada. So, if you want to be a part of what is sure to be the biggest and perhaps most exciting rock event we've ever seen then get out your credit card and at noon tomorrow be close to your phone or your computer. Fort McMurray, this July 2nd our little city is gonna rock. Be there!

(Oh, and if you don't want to buy tickets but still be a part of the event? Head to Events Wood Buffalo and volunteer for the Canada Rocks Festival. We need to show all these Kiss fans what an amazing and enthusiastic city we are!)

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